Center for Architecture Foundation

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Showcasing K-12 work

The Center for Architecture Foundation hired Airspace to design the 16th, 17th and 18th Building Connections exhibitions showcasing K-12 student design work developed within the Foundation’s architecture and design education programs.

The theme for the 16th annual Building Connections 2012 exhibition was a designer’s workshop using saw horses and pegboard to display the various models within the Center for Architecture gallery.

The theme for the 17th annual Building Connections 2013 exhibition was a journey through the concepts learned in the program’s classes. We started with a passport that guided the visitor’s journey. Each stop was identified with a passport stamp and color scheme.

The theme for the 18th annual Building Connections 2014 exhibition was mapping and exploration using iconography and an interactive map for visitors to document their experience.

Building Connections 2014

Building Connections 2013

Building Connections 2012

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